12:26am :: So its march and 3 days until it gets dark at nine. pretty sweet. learning notepad++/html5 for the next blog site. </p>
Friday, 28 February 2014
Febuary 28th Post 2
11:34 So im back in my improved room...having another late night. I got my new home made security system installed in my room. theres a camera hidden in the laundry basket with 2 speakeres so i can talk to who ever is there. Pretty sweet im waiting for my brother or his girlfriend to come up so i can scare the crap out of them lol </p>
Febuary 28th Post 1
So my party ended up getting canceled. neither of my friends are allowed coming cause dalton is coming with me to comic-con for 3 days next week which is stupid because its just 4 hours the party and no one else is allowed, emily still wants to come tho. Good think tho is that i got my new setup working, i got a new laptop with a desk and everything, pretty sweet. Also I got my new security camera working which im looking at right now, probubly going to post l8tr. </p>
Thursday, 27 February 2014
Febuary 27th Post 3
So yeah my laptop is well its kind of a long story its my dads but its really more mine cause he bought it to use it at his house for me but i took it home for a while and it was sending spam cause i always forgot when i went to my dads on weekends i didn't clean it ever and it got a virus and sent spam onto facebook.... so great. I cant wait until also my box gets sent in to Mark Zuckerberg. i wrote him a letter and some stuff that I want him to see. it would really suck being a celebrity at some points. Like everyone would be asking you to do stuff in fanmail. i cant lie I asked him 1 and suggested him something for his candy jar too cause i can assume that there running
Febuary 27th Post 2
So Unfortionetly i have figured out that today is my anniversary...Does not really madder because i cant have a party on thursday anyways...Im doing a bunch of vlogs tomorrow for fun preparing for tomorrows big party...one of the biggest party i have ever hosted theres like 14 people coming...my mom only thinks that theres like 5 but i know she wont mind... im gonna be right back and continue this blog making a new account so i can go on facebook on my laptop... long story but i will say in the next post </p>
Febuary 27 Post 1
I remember now why its bad to go so long without blogging. This post is going to be so long cause i have alot of stuff today, its been a pretty plane week but alot of stuff happened. however tomorrow is a pretty big day. can you guess what it is?... its my anniversary!! yeah i have now been doing youtube for 2 years! if i figure out how i will attach it to here, im having a party for it. I got this app on my computer so it simulates party lights, its pretty messed cause if you look at it you will probubly have a freak out. its gonna be pretty awesome i need tonight to make a montage of all the good times on youtube, with awesome music. I will make sure to take pics and record
Tuesday, 25 February 2014
Febuary 25 Post 2
So today there was this kid who is in my class and we were playing dodgeball and me and him were both out sitting on the bench cause we got hit. So my friend who every one hates was being made fun of and this kid who was sitting beside me was in no postition to do it and he is making fun of them and i said. "shutup no one likes a mean dude" and he is like hey take that back! he thought i said that no one likes him and he said i have a identical memory. you see its funny cause he was saying he has a photographic memory where you dont forget anything so i corrected him and he is like "i hate it when people do that i cant remember everything" and i laughed.
Febuary 25 Post 1
So today was pretty good. i learned that i can rap faster than eminem. we had this guy saying that he was a computer "expert" but he just told us about how people can get your picture on facebook and some one did obvioussly and in mexico it got posted on a billboard. thats pretty crazy..
Monday, 24 February 2014
Sunday, 23 February 2014
Febuary 23 Post 9
At this point I actually forgot what im going to blog about. all that i know is that i need to make a youtube video today and im not sure what its about. I cant really record with my ipad cause well it cant sit down and i cant get it recording spot on for gameplay. i want to hook up my raseberry pi right now so i can record a reveiw for that or something or just a showcase. im turnining it into a portable retro game system. basiccly everyone with the raseberry pi has done something really awesome. some guy made a portable pi and some other guy made a mama system with it. im going to mix both of those together and make a portable gaming system sort of like that one from ThinkGeek exept you actually have to buy a nes or snes game inside of it for this you can just choose it. i just need to think of a clever name, i was going to call it the porti-pi but that i wanted to make a mame sort of system as well so im just first going to make it portable and than run the mama system. brb playing dunk with the guys and beat there ass </p>
Febuary 23 Post 8
So im back now and i fell alseep but right now thats not the main focus. the main focus is that dalton and andrew once again are leaving me out and being ass holes. They just made woke me up wining saying that i wont come to the park than i go upstairs 5 mins later and there recording on my freaking tv. yeah without even bothering to ask me and they made a video out of it. now they came in and i told them how i thought, okay i yelled at them and they walked away from me. and dalton has not even taken his pills. you would think after this time he would always remember. this is just ridicilous i was having a good night and i really dont wanna sound like a wining spoiled brat. But once again try and get in my shoes. i think in some way that there just tired. they still have not sleep. So there eleven years old there probubly gonna need some sleep. Im sorry but if there is some one that has to be left out in a group of three why should it be the kid that gave them 2 large pizza's 2 jugs of mtn dew and friday all a mtn dew and chips. Well i should stop wining its pretty childish. everyone here is being childish. But at least im going to be the mature one and forgive them and be calm about this. But seriously who does that? if you where to invite me to your house and i came over and i barely hung out with you unless theres extra food there and if not than i just leave and go play on YOUR game system. its a dick move. but seriously in the end these guys are my friends and i forgive them and i will stop bitching.
So today im probubly starting to work on the planet... or at least learn a little bit more java eclipse. thats what im using to make the website. You know what really sucks? im not sure i just need to keep busy.blogging cause i have nothing else to do and im pretty sure the room is a mess. Im trying to find a class on google about learning java eclipse language but i think it would be easier to just learn on my own. but coding is diffrent like that you cant really just guess all of the code. But lastnight was really bad. I played video games with the guys all of us sitting on a pillow surrounding around the ps3 playing gta5, mortal kombat and sega genesis games. than we came in the living room and i fell asleep and they woke me up saying come on lets go to the store and than they went up to record on my ps3 on my gta5 and than i was getting up we started to go to the park and they went and than i came back here and forgived them, other than that situation there it was a really good night... now im board </p>
Febuary 23 Part 7
So i just asked my mom if i could go to the mcdonalds down the road and screamed at me, honestly i cant blame her though cause it is 4:40 in the morning. but however when it does get bring out which should be in 1-3 hours ahead were going to the park behind me. I really just need to get some air and by that i dont mean go have a smoke i just have not been outside really today. well thats not true I went to the store earlier. but it was more a objective cause i could't really do that. however andrew and dalton did stop and ding dong ditch out classmate. funny story, I thought they were going to say hi to her or something than they started running so fast and andrew slipped on ice and literally it looked like his side hit the ice but it kept going. When im ding dong ditching which i deffinetly never do anymore. thats when i run the fastest. So we have work again today which is actually pretty great so what is planed for today. first when it gets bring out we go to the park, than work and than clean. or clean before work. actually i forgot about something... sleep. oh yes and this is the new font im using.
Im getting pretty board...
Its 4:49 now so hophilly it will be bring within around a hour. Im watching the social network again cause yo know why not. and dalton and andrew are listening to freaking noises on this app andrew just found on his iphone. Its crazy seeing how people think of idea's. like when Mark Z. was working on facebook one of his freinds said these exact things...not exact but whatever
Marks Friend: hey you know if whats her face is single?
Mark: No...
Mark's friend: Cant you hack and figure i...
Mark: Look man no one carry's around a sign that says there relationship status
And than bam he went home and made that addition to it and launched [thefacebook]
I am just getting so board at this point hearing catch frases on a phone are entertaining. i feel like im just going to fall over. Im so damn tired but if I lay down i will instantly fall asleep. So sorry if my blog does not make any bits of sence cause im really right now just using it to keep me awake. Earlier I seen dalton looking at challenges for some sort of edible scorpion pepper or something like that and its the hottest pepper in the world and theres a challenge for it where you have to go 30 seconds with it in your mouth without drinking any milk. you would probubly need alot milk though. So im thinking of diffrent sort of clever merch you can buy with the cherry logo on it. theres cups, sweaters, T-Shirts and phone cases. im thinking like bracelets and posters. this might sound sort of weird but you know what i think are the two most comforting sounds are? the playstation 2 startup sound and the windows 95 startup sound. I want to go to bed right now i think more than anyone could imagine whic i dont understand because i had a 9 hour sleep. like that the best sleep i have got in around a year, unless im at my dads but i just pass out of boardem. i only need ot wait about a hour and i really want to watch the sun come up. that sounds kind of homo doesent it? wow i have been typing quite alot. oh my god its now 5:02 and i have been blogging this one post for 30 mins and andrew and dalton are stioll listening to stupid songs. alright im going to not look at the keyboard, well im going to clsoe my wyes and type stuff yo get used to this keyboard
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Saturday, 22 February 2014
Febuary 23 Post 5.
So i gave them the milkshakes and they said that they really liked it but i honestly thought that they were just saying that not to be mean. it took me quite a while to finish it. It had chocolate ice cream, milk, sprinkles and a cherry on the side of the cup. But than they just left me in my own house to play MY video games. So now im in my living room alone watching family guy and blogging. its sucks pretty bad I cant go on thefacebook. oh yeah i call facebook the thefacebook from its original name and honestly think its a better name. but anyways i cant go on thefacebook... no you know what im just calling it facebook. so yeah i can just blog and I cant facebook cause my laptop was sending spam while i was logged on to my facebook. so i cant go on facebook either. really sucks. I really think there being unfair. im going to go talk to him. Well i got them down here and they really dont want sound like a douche but look at it in your way. what if i came over to hang out with you at your house and just played on your games. but anyways there my best friends and i cant stay mad at them. im just thinking what were gonna do for the rest of the night. wow andrew is reading my blog beside me. that has is the first time some one has read my blog like that. A long time ago in the summer me, josh and clayton went to the park behind my house the minute it got bright out and chilled there for a while. hophilly the guys will like that idea we can do that. Maybye take the dog for a walk to or go to get breakfast really early at mcdonalds. im gonna read them all my blogs and see what they think </p>
Febuary 23 Post 4.
Alright not to worthy for my blog but its time for the shakes. Well at least i got there attention and now there in the living room setting up the sleeping arragment and hucking up netflix. this is gonna be hard cause i cant fully reach the cubords alright i got two of the shake cups so thats good enough for now. wait? nah im just gonna finish it all this second. yay bow for the milk, you know what this is not too interesting so i b back when i have better things to talk about. </p>
Febuary 23 Post 4
So im back and the food thing worked. im posting blogging in the kitchen and ima make em some milkshakes, brb putting the tv on for them.. alright i just took a piss realizing theres no roku in the living room so they now need ot go get it leaving me down here with the shakes. Alright this should be pretty easy just put the milk in a cup with a chocolate ice cream scoop and mix it and put it in the microwave for a second. im gonna be back here with the charger </p>
Febuary 23 Post 2
So i unfortunetly failed on getting my friends to get to go down stairs but i just cant be in there in that room with so many people and such a mess. So right now im just sitting on the stairs blogging on the good old windows 95 computer emulator. yeah i got board one day so i made my windows 7 computer look identical to a windows 95 computer. I am still just trying to get these guys to come downstairs to hang and watch tv. i need to make them some food. but there not going to come down for any type of food it has to be something great. it would be a dick move if i said it was and i just gave them like a apple. maybye i will give them chocolate and vanilla ice cream with sprinkles or something. to be honest with you the only reason i made this blog cause i wanted one like mark zuckerberg's blog. and i think one day if i do get famous some one can come back and look so it will be easier to do documentry's about me. but thats way down the road. im gonna go see if they will come down now. im not good at making ice cream. at the end im going to put </p> because idk, just to indicate that the message is done, it was like from this old posting blogging program. post back when the food is dne. </p>
Febuary 23 Post 1
Its 1:29 am right now. me andrew and dalton got our pillows on thr floor for our seats. its a bit of a occupation and a mess so its a bother to me so im trying to wired in a little bit. right now were listening to eminem and dalton is playing his 30 mins of grand theft auto five which is over in 14 minutes. right now were listening to monster. the music video for that is honestly really really impressive. now i gtg my code from 1 pc and message it to myself on facebook to get it on my work profile. fantastic, now i also at the same time skype one of my best female friends. and no she is my friend. not girlfriend, i do not want to imbarriss her. not like she reads my blog so i should really not give a poop. now my friends knocked over darth vader and treating it like shit. I really need to break something right now, its getting a bit crouded in here with all of our body heat im gonna try and move downstairs sit down and just watch some television, but its not gonna be easy cause for one i wanna listen to music, andrew has not played yet but no i really have to before i freak the fuck out.
Febuary 22 Post 3
So we just got back from shoppers, actually we went to the convineince store which is farther and i was not allowed to go and we bought a jug of mtn dew and some five gum. So now were back and were kicking up the music until my mom goes to sleep while we still can. after that in a few miunites were going to do a good old podcast with hophilly still loud music
Febuary 22 Post 2
So andrew and dalton here and right on time its looking like the internet is down which is great but hey at least I got my 2 best bros here with me. so were probubuly gonna have a commercial sleepover teenager style just no spin the bottle or porn. cause we deffinetly dont do that shit. okay we dont. well the internet acutually just came back and were watching a old stream i did with all three of us. So yeah if you dont know what we explain a commercial sleepover as. were gonna sit on a pillow on the floor and read comics and tell ghost stories and play video games. maybye make some chemical bombs and go out in the feild and blow some old logs out. So yeah the cops come around at 1:30 in the morning im pretty sure so that will have to be watching out for. im not sure tha plan fo the night but just a little bit of fun at least it shall be! so im probubuly gonna be blogging alot. im going to ask my mom for us to go head to the store and i will vlog and vlog on the walk there so i can grab some mtn dew and some chips and crap. blog you guys in a bit.
Febuary 22 2014 Post 1
Febuary 22
so, im not really that sure about is going on really around this blog place.
If you did'nt know i already made a blog on facebook that i talked on alot. but now seeing this thing here it looks pretty good to use something that is actually used for a blog. but pretty much what im about is well... i own a company called Cherr-E.Its a long story about what we do and stuff and i really dont wanna get into it today if you are honestly so interested my blog on facebook is a page literally called "My Blog". In the future i am planning on making a social network mixing together all of the best social and famous websites together into one. Its a difficult thing to do but more people can do it way easier than i can so i cant really tell anyone about it cause they could so easily take it away from me. like look at the Winklevoss twins. they thought of a idea very similar to facebook and told Mr. Zuckerberg and BAM! he made thefacebook.harvard.eu
and now just 1 percent of the company costs 126 million dollors. But something else that i have been thinking about i nknow its a long way down the road fro a almost 12 year old. but im assuming my chance would be higher to become sucsessfull if i went to Harvard but also I do... actually i dont realyl want to go to japan anymore. but I think if you know that you can get sucsess with your life no madder what even if you dont go to school. i just like the idea of having i guess there called roommates. and living in a kind of small dorm room with your buddies on the computer with my idea's surrounding all over the wall drinking beer. watching the social network and everyone drinking beer i can kind of see why. its like a really good taseting juice that you could never drink until now. Im thinking when im older and half way there i will buy a house with the people that work with me, one with a pool and make the rooms, well i will be the only one with a room every one else gets a sleeping bag and treat my room life a dorm.
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