Sunday 23 February 2014

Febuary 23 Part 7
So i just asked my mom if i could go to the mcdonalds down the road and screamed at me, honestly i cant blame her though cause it is 4:40 in the morning. but however when it does get bring out which should be in 1-3 hours ahead were going to the park behind me. I really just need to get some air and by that i dont mean go have a smoke i just have not been outside really today. well thats not true I went to the store earlier. but it was more a objective cause i could't really do that. however andrew and dalton did stop and ding dong ditch out classmate. funny story, I thought they were going to say hi to her or something than they started running so fast and andrew slipped on ice and literally it looked like his side hit the ice but it kept going. When im ding dong ditching which i deffinetly never do anymore. thats when i run the fastest. So we have work again today which is actually pretty great so what is planed for today. first when it gets bring out we go to the park, than work and than clean. or clean before work. actually i forgot about something... sleep. oh yes and this is the new font im using.
Im getting pretty board...
Its 4:49 now so hophilly it will be bring within around a hour. Im watching the social network again cause yo know why not. and dalton and andrew are listening to freaking noises on this app andrew just found on his iphone. Its crazy seeing how people think of idea's. like when Mark Z. was working on facebook one of his freinds said these exact things...not exact but whatever

Marks Friend: hey you know if whats her face is single?
Mark: No... 
Mark's friend: Cant you hack and figure i...
Mark: Look man no one carry's around a sign that says there relationship status

And than bam he went home and made that addition to it and launched [thefacebook]
I am just getting so board at this point hearing catch frases on a phone are entertaining. i feel like im just going to fall over. Im so damn tired but if I lay down i will instantly fall asleep. So sorry if my blog does not make any bits of sence cause im really right now just using it to keep me awake. Earlier I seen dalton looking at challenges for some sort of edible scorpion pepper or something like that and its the hottest pepper in the world and theres a challenge for it where you have to go 30 seconds with it in your mouth without drinking any milk. you would probubly need alot milk though. So im thinking of diffrent sort of clever merch you can buy with the cherry logo on it. theres cups, sweaters, T-Shirts and phone cases. im thinking like bracelets and posters. this might sound sort of weird but you know what i think are the two most comforting sounds are? the playstation 2 startup sound and the windows 95 startup sound. I want to go to bed right now i think more than anyone could imagine whic i dont understand because i had a 9 hour sleep. like that the best sleep i have got in around a year, unless im at my dads but i just pass out of boardem. i only need ot wait about a hour and i really want to watch the sun come up. that sounds kind of homo doesent it? wow i have been typing quite alot. oh my god its now 5:02  and i have been blogging this one post for 30 mins and andrew and dalton are stioll listening to stupid songs. alright im going to not look at the keyboard, well im going to clsoe my wyes and type stuff yo get used to this keyboard

the lazyt fpx jumped over the river
the lazy foxs jumped over the river 
the lazy fox jum,ped over the river
the lazy fox jumped over the river
the lazy fox jumped over the river
the lazy fox jumped over thye river
the lazy fox jumped over the 
the lazy fox juimped over the river
the ;azy fosx jumped over te river
the ;azy fox ju,ped over the river
the lazt fox ku,ped over the rier
the lazy fox jumped over the rigver
the lazy fx jumped over th4e river
the ;azy fox jumped over the river
 the l\zzu fox mumped over tjeh
the lazy fox ujmped over the river
the lazy fox jmepd over the river
the lazy fox jumped over the river
the ;azu fpx j,pedd over the river
tje ;azu fpx ki,[ed pvertje rover
 the lazy fox jumped over the river
the lazy fox jumped overth t

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